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Foot Potion - SPA - Euca/Vanilla - LARGE 4OZ


The The Perfect Foot Lotion that moisturizes with Shea Butter and Eucalyptus Oil. It smells fantastic! It's 4 ozs in a convenient nutrient-protected airless bottle and just right for your night stand, purse, auto, desk, and/or carry-on. Each bottle holds over 200 applications of product. We truly believe this is the best foot lotion on the market. Like all of our products, they contain no gluten or animal byproducts; they are toxin/paraben-free and full of nutrients to keep your feet soft, healthy and looking young. Foot Potion is formulated and designed to exfoliate and moisturize your feet. Rough calluses are softened and dissolved with repeated use. It's toxin-free, loaded with vitamins, and has a wonderful natural scent.